All about PFS Rewards Coupons

2 min. readlast update: 10.19.2023

How do I earn rewards?

You earn coupon rewards valued up to $100 for every $100 spent on our store website.

The tiers are as follows:

  • $10 coupon - $100 in total purchases
  • $20 coupon - $200 in total purchases
  • $30 coupon - $300 in total purchases
  • $40 coupon - $400 in total purchases
  • $50 coupon - $500 in total purchases
  • $60 coupon - $600 in total purchases
  • $70 coupon - $700 in total purchases
  • $80 coupon - $800 in total purchases
  • $90 coupon - $900 in total purchases
  • $100 coupon - $1000 in total purchases

How do I access PFS Rewards Coupons?

You can access PFS Rewards in our PFS App.

You can download the PFS APP here: LINK

How do I use my Rewards Coupons?

Please make sure you meet the following requirements to use a PFS Rewards Coupon:

  • You are logged into your PFS Account before purchase
  • Your order is at least $1 over the value of the coupon.
    • So for example, your order must be $11 or more to use the $10 coupon, $21 or more to use the $20 coupon, and so on.
  • Your order is 4 items or less
    • 5 or more items triggers our site's automatic bundle discount which cannot be combined with coupons or other sales.
  • Your order does not contain any items on our Sale of the Day offers page:
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