Discontinued Plugins

2 min. readlast update: 10.25.2023

The vast majority of our plugins are currently available for purchase and supported on our store, however, there are cases in which we may have to discontinue a plugin from sale. This means the plugin will not be updated for Apple Silicon, new MAC OS versions, new FCPX versions, or additional fixes.

The plugins which we have currently available for purchase on our store are supported by our developers and will receive additional fixes when needed. Many products on our site also include free content updates for customers who have purchased those specific packs. Plugins can be discontinued for the following reasons, including but not limited to:

  • The product no longer meets PFS Quality standards.
  • The product’s features are now obsolete due to being integrated into Final Cut Pro.
  • Updates to Final Cut Pro and/or MacOS have made the plugin obsolete and we no longer have the resources to maintain or update it.
  • We have developed a newer tool that makes the older product obsolete. Please check our Product Upgrades page to see if your old purchase has been replaced with a free upgrade. Our Product Upgrades page can be viewed here.

Products that are discontinued are no longer available on our store for purchase, but can still be accessed under your account downloads* if you have purchased it in the past. If you are not sure what specifications a discontinued plugin works on, please reach out to customer service and they can investigate this information for you! 🙂

Refunds and Exchanges for Discontinued Products Discontinued products do not qualify for refunds, however, if a product has been discontinued and you have purchased it within 30 days, we can exchange it for a product of equal value. A purchase older than this does not qualify for refunds or exchanges as this products is considered downloaded and used. Our refund policy can be viewed here.

In certain cases, a discontinued product may be eligible for a free upgrade to a newer product though this is not guaranteed. Our Product Upgrades page can be viewed here.

The vast majority of products will retain a longer shelf life as we release packs with more utility and give content updates to.

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