How to Locate a Plugin in Final Cut Pro

1 min. readlast update: 10.25.2023

Where can I find my product in Final Cut?

There are a few ways you can find out where a plugin in Final Cut Pro.

On the Product Page for the plugin

Click the FAQ section beneath the Video, description, and Cart button.

At the top of the FAQ section you will see icons representing the Titles/Generators/Transitions/Effects.

The plugin will appear in the sections that are highlighted in blue on the graphic. 


Using the PFS App

Locate the product in your “My Products” section.

Underneath the product in the APP, there will be Titles, Generators, Transitions, and Effects icons.

The plugin will appear in the sections that are highlighted in Blue on the graphic. 


Can I change where the plugin appears in Final Cut Pro?

Each plugin template is specifically made for the category or categories in which it is installed. You will not be able to change where the plugin appears in FCP.

Can I change the name of the plugin?

We do not recommend you do so, as it might cause issues with compatibility when you make system updates.

If you are okay with taking this risk, you can rename plugin files in the Motion Templates > Titles/Generators/Transitions/Effects.

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