How to navigate & use your Account Dashboard

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Click the person icon in the upper right of our Store website to navigate to the account dashboard. You can also navigate to this link to get there quickly.

You'll notice that youh ave a few different sections available on your account dashboard. Here we'll go over all of the features you have available.


Orders is where you will find the history of all orders you have made on our PFS Store.

You can download and view invoices for every purchase under this tab.

Gift Card Balance

Under Gift Card Balance you will be able to input any PFS Gift Card codes to check your gift card balance. 


Under this section you can access downloads for the installer for all of your purchased products from our website. 


Here you can update your Billing Address details for your account. 

Account Details

Here you can update your Billing Name, your Display name, your account Email, and your account password.

Log Out

You can use this button to log out of your PFS Account.

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