My Titles aren't displaying the right font?

2 min. readlast update: 11.03.2023

If your plugin is not displaying the correct style font it means that the font for that style is not installed to your Font Book.

Navigate to the PFS website and download the plugin’s file from your Account > Downloads.

Then open the file. You should see an “Double Click to Install” installer file as well as a folder including Font related information.

Inside the Font folder, you should see a document with a list of links to the fonts used in the plugin, and possibly a .pdf showing which fonts go to which style.

If you do not see these files, contact customer service and they can try to find one for you.

Where can I download the fonts used in stylized titles?

Inside the font folder, you should see a document with a list of links to the font downloads for the fonts used within the plugin.

If you do not see these files, contact customer service and they can try to find one for you.

Click the link to be redirected to the website the font is originally from. Then download the font.

Please note some links will automatically download the .zip file including the fonts for you. Others, you may need to manually click the download.

Please contact customer service for any further assistance if you are having trouble downloading fonts.

Can I download the fonts all at once?

Since they are third party fonts from different sources, we are not legally able to provide all of the font files as one download. They must be downloaded individually from their original source.

Can I install the fonts all at once after I have downloaded the font files?

Yes. Please view this video here on YouTube for some advice on how to install multiple fonts at once:

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