Apple Silicon Compatibility FAQ

2 min. readlast update: 03.04.2025

What does Apple Silicon Compatible mean?

Apple Silicon Compatible means the plugin can run without Rosetta on Apple Silicon M1, M1 Max, M1 Ultra, M1 Pro, M2, etc.

Apple Silicon Compatibility determines if a plugin can run on FxPlug 4, which is Apple’s newest plugin creation framework.

How can I tell if a plugin is Apple Silicon Compatible?

When browsing the store you will see images for the product boxes. On these product thumbnails you will see a green bar saying Silicon & Intel Ready.

If a plugin is Apple Silicon Compatible, does that mean I can’t use it on my Intel Mac?

As long as you meet or exceed the MAC OS, Final Cut Pro, Graphics, and RAM Requirements listed on the System Requirements tab of the plugin’s page, you can still use the Product on Intel Chip Macs.

Why do these updates take so long?

Apple introduced a new framework called FxPlug 4 with the introduction of Apple Silicon and its release OS, Big Sur. All plugins using specialized applications need these apps completely remade from scratch in order to be compatible with FxPlug 4. FxPlug 4 limitations, bugs, developer availability, business needs, etc. may affect the amount of time it takes for a plugin to be upgraded to FxPlug 4.

What is the update roadmap? When can I expect this update to release for (plugin)?

We do not have ETA’s or an Update Roadmap available for Apple Silicon updates to any plugin. The update pipeline varies per plugin depending on possible FxPlug bugs, limitations, business needs, and more.

What can I do if I have a plugin that is still not updated for Apple Silicon?

Please contact our customer service with your order number(s) in question for further assistance.

Can I use a plugin that is not Apple Silicon Updated in Rosetta?

We do not guarantee that any plugin that is not already updated for Apple Silicon will work with Rosetta, especially if you are using FCP 10.6.6. or newer.

Compatibility Disclaimer

Due to Apple’s shift to FxPlug 4, we cannot guarantee that projects using plugins installed on an Intel System will be cross-compatible with Apple Silicon Systems.

Due to the differences between FxPlug 3 and 4, the functionality, UI, and offerings of a plugin may be affected by its Apple Silicon update if the product was originally created before 2020.

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