How to Update PFS Plugins

1 min. readlast update: 10.25.2023

How do I know if I need to Update a Plugin?

There is no current way to view this on the website, however, the PFS APP can automatically detect if your plugins need an update.

You can download the PFS APP HERE.

Does a Red Screen mean I need to update a Plugin?

In some cases, yes, however this is not always the case. There are many things that can cause a red screen. If you need help with a red screen please check out our Help page HERE.

How to Update a Plugin (Download from the Website)

First, uninstall the plugin from the Motion Templates section of your Finder.

Next, Redownload the plugin from your Downloads page on your PFS Account Dashboard.

Then, Reinstall the plugin.

Viola! That’s all there is to it.

How to Update a Plugin from the PFS APP

When you have a plugin installed and there is an update available you will see a red dot on the corner of the three dot button next to the plugin in the PFS APP.

Click this and then click "Update" and your installed plugin will be updated to the latest version.

Alternatively you can uninstall and reinstall the plugin and it will provide the same result.

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