*This article will only apply to users of Pixel Film Studios products who have been using our plugins prior to the naming convention update that took place over the course of 2022 and 2023.
All current versions of plugins will install under the naming convention PFS - Product Name in their respective Final Cut Pro libraries. Previously plugins were named under the naming convention Pixel Film Studios - Product Name.
If you have updated your Mac and FCP past the original operating specs since the time of purchasing a plugin you may have updated past a point where that particular version of the plugin was used and now only the latest version of the plugin is able to run. This would mean only the new presets from the most updated version of the plugin would be able to run on your new MacOS and Final Cut Pro versions. This would also mean you would have to redo work.
In some cases (not all) you may be able to restore work. There is one thing you can try and we can not guarantee it will work. If this method doesn't work it will mean redoing work with the newer compatible version of the plugins in your older project timelines.
Determine what plugin is red screening in your project timeline and then locate the plugin's folders in your Finder. Here is the path in Finder:
Macintosh HD > Users > Your User > Movies > Motion Templates > (Effects, Generators, Titles, Transitions)
In each of those four folders (Effects, Generators, Titles, Transitions) locate the plugin folder. The plugin will be installed to one or more of these Motion Templates folders under PFS - Product Name.
Select that folder and duplicate it, then rename the copy to Pixel Film Studios - Product Name and reopen FCP to test. This is not a guaranteed solution so if this does not work for you, you may have to redo work in that project with the latest compatible version of the plugin under PFS - Product Name.
*If you are still using plugins under the naming convention Pixel Film Studios - Product Name we do recommend updating to the latest versions of the plugins under PFS - Product Name once your important projects are complete and you no longer need to use the older versions of the templates.
Your project used a plugin called Pro3rd Color. This plugin was installed to your Titles library under Pixel Film Studios - Pro3rd Color, however, you updated MacOS and FCP and now it no longer works. When you reinstall the plugin it installs under the newer naming convention PFS - Pro3rd Color and appears to work when dragging in a new preset from the Titles library, however, the preset you had in your project originally still doesn't work.
In this case you would open Finder and navigate to your User > Movies > Motion Templates > Titles folder and in the Titles folder you would locate the new PFS - Pro3rd Color folder and duplicate it, rename the duplicate to Pixel Film Studios - Pro3rd Color, and then reopen Final Cut Pro to test. In some cases this will work, but in some cases you may have to redo work with the current version of the plugin instead.